Friday, December 14, 2007

Dark Knight: New Posters and Trailer!

It seems like I have something on the new Batman movie every other day. The latest is 3 brand -new posters for "The Dark Knight".

Here are two international posters that look absolutely beautiful. I love the skyline approach with the first one, and I love the classic Joker look of the second one. I also love how they're both not typical blockbuster looking posters that you'd expect.
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The third one is also of the Joker, but quite different. As if he designed it himself. It's not very good quality, it looks like it was taken by a fan, but you get the idea. I'll post a better version as it becomes available.

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In addition, there was a new trailer that premiered with "I Am Legend" and I was lucky enough to catch it last night. It's our first real glimpse of Heath Ledger as The Joker in action, and let's just say I'm impressed. I was somewhat worried on how he'd come across, but I can now be sure he's gonna beat the living shit out of me with this performance. It looks that good. He completely nails the voice. I'm getting all tingly just thinking about it.

There are some very crappy bootleg versions of the trailer floating around, and as much as I'm tempted too, I'm not going to post them. It's just not going to do it justice. Plus, they're being taken down from those sites pretty quickly anyways. The good news is they're most likely releasing the official hi-def version this Sunday at this location. So wait till then and see for yourself.

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I live in Central California and have a career in graphic design. I also do part time stand-up comedy and like to play music in my spare time.