Thursday, August 16, 2007

In Theaters This Weekend

Here are the two big releases in theaters this weekend.
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Opening Friday is Superbad, the new comedy produced by Judd Apatow (The 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up), co-written by Seth Rogan (The 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up), and co-starring Jonah Hill (The 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up). Noticing a trend here? Anyways, I'm actually looking forward to seeing this one. I enjoyed Knocked Up quite a bit earlier this year, and the buzz on this one so far is very positive. It is currently sitting at a solid 90% on I'm not sure how much of the fat kid I can stand, but the skinny kid from Arrested Development is pretty damn funny. I'll be sure to post a review here once said movie has etched itself into my cerebelium. Here is the special R rated trailer complete with adult language!

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The other big release this weekend is The Invasion starring Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig. It is essentially a remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, which kinda says it all. Oliver Hirschbiegel ("Downfall") was the director, but the Wachowski Brothers ("The Matrix") supposedly were brought in for some rewrites and reshoots with Director James McTeigue (V for Vendetta) to spruce it up. That doesn't sound too promising. It always seems like a bad move when a director is replaced.
I really don't have very much interest in this movie at all. In fact, the only thing this movie seems to have going for it is Daniel Craig, and a trailer with an awesome Sigur Ros song... check out that trailer and judge for yourself.


Anonymous said...

I want to see both THIS weekend!!!

Nicole said...

we did both + 1, so where's the review, eh??

Dane said...

I'm workin' on it! Sheezeee!!!!

About Me

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I live in Central California and have a career in graphic design. I also do part time stand-up comedy and like to play music in my spare time.